Bright Cities is a platform that guides cities to become smarter every day. Using an exclusive methodology that gathers, analyzes and connects data from official sources, it determines the performance of cities of different sizes and nationalities, in ten areas of activity. Based on data analysis, the platform establishes a roadmap, listing priority actions, schedules and budgets to improve the quality of public and government services, increasing the quality of life for residents.
Through a gradual evolution, each analyzed city can become more efficient and smart until it is fully converted into a smart city. Using a pioneering methodology, Bright Cities contributes to making cities around the world more efficient and smart.
To value the efforts of cities that are on the journey of digital transition, and that together with Bright Cities are adopting data management as an intelligent management tool, we created the Bright Cities Seal for Intelligent Data Management. We deliver the Seal after completing the collection and updating cycle of the 160 indicators available on the platform, linked to ISO 37120, of sustainable cities and communities, and to the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS-UN).
To value the efforts of cities that are on the journey of digital transition, and that together with Bright Cities are adopting data management as an intelligent management tool, we created the Bright Cities Seal for Intelligent Data Management. We deliver the Seal after completing the collection and updating cycle of the 160 indicators available on the platform, linked to ISO 37120, of sustainable cities and communities, and to the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS-UN).
The Stamp consolidates the premise of seeking to use data in decision-making in cities with the main objective of promoting effective improvements in the public services offered, in the business environment and in the quality of life of its citizens. If your city receives this Seal, it means that it is advancing in the process of digital transition and a smarter, human and well-being future.
Saiba como sua cidade pode conseguir o selo. Entre em contato conosco: [email protected]