Through the extinction of the use of paper in public administration and the management of documents in the cloud, the digitization of services in the public sector has generated a very significant reduction in the time of internal dealings. As a result, the efficiency and transparency, the scope and the improvement of the quality of services provided to the population were expanded. Another beneficial effect is the great savings in human, financial and environmental resources, which boost productivity growth and reduce printing expenses, which reach thousands of reais a year.
Through a gradual evolution, each analyzed city can become smarter. The city hall of Americana (SP) is a successful example of using digital solutions and generating impact, modernizing its administrative routine with digitalization. It is estimated that it achieved a total savings of 3 million reais, with more than 1 million just in prints (an estimated 1,000 trees saved and about 26 million liters of water saved). The city is the national winner of the Band Cities Excellence Award in the Fiscal Efficiency and Transparency pillar. Its digital transformation project, developed in conjunction with 1Doc, was considered the most innovative in Brazil in 2021, driven by the need to respond to the population’s aspirations for better and less bureaucratic services.

Americana é um município da Microrregião de Campinas no Estado de São Paulo – Brasil.
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