5G and IoT: the future is connected

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From gadgets to daily objects, cities of the future will be shared, agile and smarter then ever

Worldwide, the amount of data is growing 40% per year. We expect to reach 44 zettabytes (or 44 trillion gigabytes) by 2025. For Oliver Gassmann, co-author of the book “Smart Cities: Introducing Digital Innovation to Cities,” sensor systems are becoming smarter, cheaper and more integrated, generating huge amounts of data.

The Internet of Things (IoT), which is the connection of various equipment to wireless data networks, helps bring the physical world closer to the digital world. By next year, there will be 50 billion connected devices. If technology has changed business, imagine what it can do with city management.

Reality shows us that smart cities are already much more concrete than many people assume. The 5G network launch, which will be available in several countries during the following years, will be the main trace of this transition, as it will favor and accelerate the interconnection between people and things. With 5G, downloads are five times faster than with 4G. In practice, even refrigerators and sneakers could generate data for use. In the streets, autonomous cars will be connected to other vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, road networks and public transport systems, ensuring more efficiency and safety for everyone involved.

Smart cities were the theme of the TV series Em Movimento, aired by Globonews. They are also the main focus of Bright Cities, a platform that outlines diagnoses and solutions for any city to become a smart city. 

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