Riyadh, capital and main financial center of Saudi Arabia uses the Bright Cities platform to diagnose the city and find solutions related to the environment

Bright Cities was contracted by The Royal Commission of Ryiadh City (RCRC), which executes several strategic, comprehensive, long-term and multiphase development programs and projects that require massive efforts and resources.
Riyadh sought out Bright Cities with the aim of finding environmental solutions, especially related to air quality and climate cooling.
In addition, the city aims to be one of the “100 most livable cities in the world” (100 most livable cities), a goal that is part of Saudi Vision 2030.
Even though Riyadh is a foreign city in the Middle East and with official sources in Arabic, Bright Cities captured more than 80% of the city’s data, which has been validated by members of the RCRC.
In addition, we compared the city’s data on environment, energy, mobility and urbanism with 10 other global cities, giving an overview of the most critical indicators for Riyadh.

Solutions found after the diagnosis
we map more than 100 solutions registered in our marketplace focused on the strategic plans of the capital of Saudi Arabia, classifying them according to the actions of each plan. The main focus of the research was in the areas of environment, mobility and energy.

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