Bright Cities organizes an international event in partnership with Tomorrow.City

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Bright Cities was invited to curate and organize a panel on energy at a global event held by Tomorrow.City, host of the world’s largest congress on smart cities, the Smart City World Congress.

At the event, “Focus Sessions #2 – Data Changes Everything: Smart (ER) Infrastructure Rules or World”, Bright Cities and its guests exhibited on the panel: “Solutions made in South America to Challenges in Global Cities”, cases of energy efficiency, clean energy and other content within their areas of expertise.

Attended the presentation:
Raquel Cardamone CEO and Founder of Bright Cities
Fernanda Delgado, Professor and Researcher – FGV Energia – Fundação Getulio Vargas | Linkedin
Bruno Batista, aActive Mobility Analyst at WRI Brasil | Linkedin

During the panel, Bright Cities presented the case of Cataguases (watch the video in this link) in Minas Gerais, demonstrating how the private sector can act together with the public sector, bringing benefits to citizens.
The diagnosis of the city, carried out by Bright Cities, commissioned by Energisa, the fifth largest energy distributor in Brazil and headquartered in the city, was essential to contribute to the innovation and energy efficiency projects implemented by the company in the city.

The panel impacted a large audience with 1,113 experts in cities, 81 countries and 456 cities.

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Bright Cities in Saudi Arabia

Riyadh, capital and main financial center of Saudi Arabia uses the Bright Cities platform to diagnose the city and find solutions related to the environment