Paths to a smart transformation of post-pandemic cities

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Smart City Session focuses on urban spaces resilience, happiness, wellness, governance and economy

The biggest Brazilian event on smart cities introduced new initiatives that emerged along with Covid-19 crisis which have transformed small, medium and big communities into smarter, more sustainable and resilient places to live. The Smart City Session, a warm-up for the 3rd edition of Smart City Expo Curitiba 2021, gathered professionals from Brazil and around the world. 

During the opening, the Carta Brasileira de Cidades Inteligentes (Smart Cities Brazilian Charter) was officially released, developed with the participation of Bright Cities and more than 200 contributors. Now, with this document, Brazilian cities have an important guide to advance in more sustainable, efficient and technological urban policies, oriented by 8 strategic objectives based on the Brazilian context of the digital transformation of cities.
On the first day of the event, keynotes Renato de Castro (SmartUp CEO and specialist in smart cities) and Ricky Ribeiro (Mobilize Brasil founder) talked about the legacies that the pandemic has left to cities in terms of mobility and life quality improvements

Life quality, happiness and wellness are concepts that go hand in hand with the construction of smart and happy cities. This was one of the pillars of the second day of the Smart City Session, which featured lectures by architects and urban planners specialized in the theme, such as Ariadne Daher, Gustavo Arns, Guilherme Takeda — creator and organizer of the Congresso Internacional de Felicidade (International Happiness Congress) –, and Jonny Stica — market advisor of Fomento Paraná.

Smart cities are not only digital and technological cities, but also, they are focused on human wellness. Technology is an important driver of actions and initiatives that improve people’s life quality. This was the topic that Raquel Cardamone (Bright Cities CEO), Marcia Beatriz Cavalcante (Celepar Open Innovation Leader) and Regiane Relva Romano (advisor at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations) talked about during the panel “The data city: data analysis for Governance 4.0”, mediated by André Guedes, RODA Consultoria e Treinamentos CEO.

The 3rd edition of Smart City Expo Curitiba happens in the second half of 2021.


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