How Brazilian cities are fighting the coronavirus
Know the strategies and solutions employed by Aracaju/SE to deal with the pandemic
Know the strategies and solutions employed by Aracaju/SE to deal with the pandemic
In Brazil or around the world, there are a lot of events for those who want to know more about about cities
Studies evaluate how the presence of nature can positively influence life in cities
Cities like Brasilia are entering the race to become certified with standarts developed by ABNT’s Special Study Commission
The document is defining a consensus on what would a smart city be in the Brazilian urban context
The new ISO standarts hope to clarify and guide governors and private initiatives to promote smarter urban solutions
From gadgets to daily objects, cities of the future will be shared, agile and smarter then ever
As a disruptive platform, Bright Cities wants to demystify the smart city concept and prove that the future has already arrived
We help cities of any scale or nationality to become agile, efficient and, off course, smarter